BBS in a Box 5
BBS in a Box -Volume V (BBS in a Box) (April 1992).iso
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Last Updated: 02-24-1992
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13 File Browser.cpt 4 B AMUG BBS in a Box 09-14-1991
DESC: File Browser 1.0 is a very cool System 7 dependent application which
KEY: File Browser.cpt KBytes: 51200
DESC: you can use to quickly examine the files and folders on any mounted
DESC: disk. It is primarily intended for use by programmers but can be
DESC: safely used by anyone--it doesn't modify the files you examine in
DESC: any way. It's a browser, not an editor. This software is freeware.
DESC: For more information, select the "More About File Browser..." item
DESC: in the Balloon help menu in File Browser. By Ed Hall.
11 FinderCabinet.cpt 2 B AMUG BBS in a Box 07-20-1991
DESC: This is a new version of my file for system 6. It includes a
KEY: FinderCabinet.cpt KBytes: 5120
DESC: replacement desktop icon for system 7. A two-drawer cabinet, the
DESC: lower drawer opens and closes and replaces the file folder icon
DESC: which simply darkens when selected (ho-hum). You need ResEdit, and
DESC: included is a short but instructive course on using it to modify
DESC: both system 6 and system 7. As a little extra, you'll find a
DESC: possible tip on switching drives, for those who have system 7 on a
DESC: separate drive. Decompress with DD 3.7. Keywords: Desktop, Icon,
DESC: FileCabinet, FinderCabinet, Cabinet Icon.
10 FinderCommands.cpt 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 08-28-1991
DESC: Control panel device (CDev) that allows you to add command keys to
KEY: FinderCommands.cpt KBytes: 11264
DESC: Finder 7's menus. Placing an alias of Finder Commands into the
DESC: Startup Items folder will add your command keys at startup. Written
DESC: by Bob Stuller.
9 FinderEdit 1.0.cpt 2 B AMUG BBS in a Box 02-08-1992
DESC: FinderEdit is a very useful System 7 utility you can use to change
KEY: FinderEdit 1.0.cpt KBytes: 25600
DESC: many aspects of your Finder and System. The major feature of
DESC: FinderEdit is the ability to change the default application the
DESC: finder chooses when you ask to open any type of document whose
DESC: creator can't be found. The Finder initially maps files of type
DESC: 'TEXT' and type 'PICT' to TeachText ('ttxt').
8 FinderEvents.cpt 2 B AMUG BBS in a Box 09-28-1991
DESC: Enclosed in this Compactor archive is a Hypercard (2.1) stack which
KEY: FinderEvents.cpt KBytes: 26624
DESC: contains an XCMD (and it's source) which shows how to send all of
DESC: the FinderEvents (ie. Apple events to the Finder). It was written
DESC: by Jon Pugh the Apple events Registrar at Apple. XCMD, Pascal, Apple
DESC: event, Finder, FinderEvents, AEVT, HC.
7 FinderToFront.cpt 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 06-18-1991
DESC: FinderToFront is a Startup Application (place it in your Startup
KEY: FinderToFront.cpt KBytes: 20480
DESC: Folder). This application will always put the Finder as the
DESC: frontmost application when you startup, rather then the last
DESC: application that was run before restarting. Keywords:
DESC: Startup,Application,System 7.
5 FixCreator1.1.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 12-12-1991
DESC: An upgrade of FixCreator 1.0. Requires System 7. Changes File
KEY: FixCreator1.1.cpt KBytes: 4096
DESC: Creator and Type on the fly. Drag files and drop onto the
DESC: FixCreator icon under system 7, FixCreator will change their
DESC: creators and types to whatever you like. (It's so fast, you may not
DESC: notice anything has happened, but sometimes you need to close and
DESC: open the folder that contains your files.) Double click on the
DESC: FixCreator icon, it opens up a dialog to set file parameters. Delete
DESC: the previous version of FixCreator, thanks!
4 Folder Icon 1.0.cpt 2 B AMUG BBS in a Box 12-30-1991
DESC: This application creates custom color folder icons in System 7.0!
KEY: Folder Icon 1.0.cpt KBytes: 17408
DESC: All you have to do is drag an application for which you want a color
DESC: icon for onto this application and it will create a color folder
DESC: icon for you! Very simple, but neat utility. For use with System
DESC: 7.0 only. Release notes included. Freeware.
2 Folder Icons.cpt 2 B AMUG BBS in a Box 12-31-1991
DESC: Here are a bunch of Folder Icons I use to brighten the desktop.
KEY: Folder Icons.cpt KBytes: 32768
DESC: ResEdit resources, and a PICT file let you take your choice as to
DESC: how to use them. These Icons are only for use with Sys 7.0 and
DESC: beyond and on color Macs.